
ASSOCIATION established!

On 13.09.2018 in Brussels, Belgium the association “European Association of Quality Organizations in Mobility” (abbreviation EAQOM) has been established by IntoQuality project partners. The association is governed by Chapter III of the Belgian Act of 27th June 1921 on non-profit-making associations, non-profit-making international associations and foundations.

The general aim of the Association is to define and promote responsible organizational, logistical, evaluation, validation and recognition practices in the planning, execution and follow-up of European mobilities in view of allowing mobile Europeans to benefit from international and intercultural exchanges, experiences, training and learning.

The association shall have the following objectives:

  • To provide common guidance and standards of mobility implementation for association members in view of advancing high-quality and responsible practices in the organization of European education and working mobilities;
  • To create expectations for the implementation on the part of members of principles and procedures geared toward improving the mobility experience and avoiding quality compromises with mobility issues within a member’s control;
  • To advance improvements in the field of European mobility;
  • To seek and promote, on European level, the participation in the association;
  • To raise public and political awareness on the importance of students’ mobility in Europe;
  • To do all that is ancillary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives;
  • To establish a permanent observatory on the quality of European mobility.

The Association is open to all organizations looking to foster quality mobilities in Europe!

More detailed information about the Association and how to apply for membership you will find on our website in the respective section: IntoQuality Mobility Association.



The fist IntoQuality Newsletter is available: IntoQuality Newsletter 1

Short News about the 2nd project meeting in Leipzig/DE: IntoQuality Meeting 2 News



The IntoQuality Final Conference took place on 11.10.2018in Sofia/BG!


With the financial support of Erasmus+